Enjoy a new online shopping experience in the world of perfumes

Dubai, United Arab Emirates


Enjoy a new online shopping experience in the world of perfumes

Dubai, United Arab Emirates


Delivery Information

Delivery services

  • Express delivery charges in the UAE (30 dirhams)
  • Orders are dispatched and delivered within 1-3 business days.
  • Standard delivery is available within the UAE only.
  • Delivery takes place either Saturday through Thursday.

Delivery is carried out by our team or by other logistic companies by us from Saturday to Thursday.

If your order is not delivered, you will receive a mail to your email. To rearrange delivery, please contact our customer service team email:

[email protected]  -Tel: 00971505014758

We cannot always guarantee delivery within our normal schedules to rural areas or if we are experiencing extreme weather conditions.

If you are concerned about delivery times, please contact our Customer Service Team:

[email protected]  -Tel: 00971505014758

What happens if I do not receive my order within the stated timelines?

If you believe your order has been lost, please contact our Customer Service team to let them know. We can only investigate requests that have been notified to us within 14 days of the date your request was sent.

  • You will be asked to fill out a refusal to receive form so that we can begin the investigation process.
  • No resend or refund will be given until the investigation is completed.
  • We will always try to solve any delivery problems as soon as possible.

If you have any questions please contact our customer service team either by phone or email. Please get the reference number for your order for delivery. We are here to help.

[email protected]  -Tel: 00971505014758